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HEARTS in Bermuda:
A Year of Transformative Healthcare

Chronic Kidney
Disease Survey
12 June 2023
Calling all individuals (and their loved ones) living with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)!
Help us shape a better future for CKD healthcare, including better health outcomes, by completing the Ministry of Health’s anonymous 10–15-minute survey on your experience with kidney disease treatment. Deadline for submission is June 25, 2023.
Please share this with others who may wish to share their view. Together, we can make a difference!

Maternal & Child Health Survey
18 May 2023
The Ministry of Health invites the participation of women and families who have received peri-natal care, post-natal care and/or child healthcare services in recent years (for children up to two years) in completing The First 1,000 Days Patient Care Pathway Survey (“the Survey”).
As part of the work to strengthen care for mothers and their children, the Survey is collecting perspectives on recent experiences accessing and using maternal and child health services, the kind of support that was received, and what could be improved in the future.
The Survey is a component of the Ministry’s current First 1,000 Days Patient Care Pathway initiative, which is a Throne Speech initiative. It is using a collaborative approach to develop an integrated patient care pathway that focuses on Bermuda’s current and future maternal and child health landscape from the time of conception until a child is two years of age (24 months).
Integrated care pathways are multidisciplinary approaches that detail the essential care steps for people with specific needs, in this case pregnant mothers, young children, and their wider families supporting them. They cover patient care from the beginning to the end and define what happens, when and who is responsible at any stage of the care journey.