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A brief glossary of terms to help make the information about the Health Strategy, and Universal Health Coverage, easier to understand. 


Acute Adult Mental Health Integrated Care Pathway

A UHC integrated care pathway initiative that is understood to include all services and care related to acute mental health conditions (e.g., major depressive and bipolar disorders, schizophrenia, and other psychological disorders, etc.). It excludes services pertaining to intellectual disability and substance abuse.

allied health

Healthcare that is provided by health professionals who are not doctors, nurses, or dentists. These professionals are specially trained and licensed (or certified) to offer various health services, such as diagnosing, treating, and rehabilitating patients to prevent or manage diseases. Examples of allied health services include (but is not limited to) audiology (hearing care), chiropractic (spine and joint care), diet and nutrition, physiotherapy (physical therapy), radiology (medical imaging).


Bermuda Health Council

Regulatory body that works to enhance and coordinate the delivery of health services.


Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)

A condition in which the kidneys are damaged and cannot filter blood as well as they should. Because of this, excess fluid and waste from blood remain in the body and may cause other health problems, such as heart disease and stroke.

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Integrated Care Pathway

A UHC integrated care pathway initiative that includes all care available to CKD patients. It includes services related to the prevention, presentation, diagnostics, diagnosis, treatment, and discharge or end of life.

cloud solution

Hosting services via the internet; also known as cloud computing.

cloud strategy

A plan that outlines best practices, tools, and services to use when implementing a cloud based solution.

Core Benefits Package

Insurance coverage that is currently being developed for a set of core health services that will be available to all Bermuda residents and administered through a single entity. It is expected that the Core Benefits Package will include preventative and early intervention healthcare through a Primary Care Physician (i.e., your GP) and mental health support.


data poverty

The inability to afford internet access (mobile or broadband) to meet essential needs, lack of data on certain segments of the population.

digital exclusion

The difference between those who have adequate access and ability to use digital technology (i.e., internet and computers) and those who do not.

digital health

The use of technology, people, and systems within the health system to organise and deliver affordable, quality health services and information efficiently.

digital literacy

Being able to use different technologies (e.g., information and communication) to access, assess, create, manage, and communicate information; combines technical and cognitive abilities. digitalisation transitioning existing everyday processes into digital technologies.


Transitioning manual/analogue information into a digital format.

dual-payor system

Includes two main sources of funding – typically a combination of government funding and private health insurance.


electronic health record

An electronic/digital form of a patient’s medical history that can be shared with other healthcare providers (e.g., specialists, laboratories, etc.).


First 1,000 Days Care Pathway

A UHC integrated care pathway initiative that includes all services and care relating to the period from conception to the end of a child’s second year.


genomic data

Information that comes from the analyses of DNA, genes, and the human genome health literacy being able to find, understand, and use information and services to inform health-related decisions and actions.


health outcomes

The results of different actions or health treatments on a person’s health. A health outcome shows how well someone is doing health-wise after receiving medical care or making lifestyle changes. For example, if someone starts eating healthier and exercising, a positive health outcome might be weight loss, more energy, and improvement or recovery from illness.


A procedure where blood is filtered using a dialysis machine to remove waste products and excess fluid from the body when the kidneys can no longer perform this function adequately.

Health Insurance Committee (HIC)

Oversees the Health Insurance Fund and the FutureCare Fund.

health services *

Includes hospital, medical, dental, and professional services related to health, including residential care. Further definition of ‘professional services’ can be found in the World Health Organisation’s Classification of Health Care Providers. * Taken from Bermuda Health Council Act 2004 definition of “Health Services”


High blood pressure, a common cause and consequence of CKD. It can further damage the kidneys and worsen kidney disease.


Integrated Care Pathway

Identifies the different types of care provided from beginning to end for people with specific health needs and defines what happens, when, and who is responsible at each stage of the care journey.

integrated health system

Brings the organisation, management, and delivery of care to people in a way that addresses the kind of care they need (e.g., primary care, mental healthcare, etc.), when it is needed, in a way that will achieve the desired health outcomes more affordably and easily for the people needing care; a highly coordinated approach to healthcare that requires the ability to share information efficiently and effectively to everyone involved.


The ability of technology systems, applications/software, and devices to seamlessly communicate and share data.


Joint Strategic Needs Assessment

A 2023 report aimed at understanding Bermuda's current health needs, to help align efforts toward achieving UHC and improved population health outcomes.

Journey Map

A visual representation that outlines the entire patient journey across different stages of a medical service. It provides insights into patient perspectives, needs, and pain points, enabling healthcare providers to enhance patient satisfaction and outcomes.


KEMH (King Edward VII Memorial Hospital)

Bermuda’s general hospital, administered by the Bermuda Hospitals Board (BHB).

Kidney Transplant

A surgical procedure to replace a diseased kidney with a healthy kidney from a living or deceased donor.


Mid Atlantic Wellness Institute

Bermuda’s psychiatric hospital.

multi-payor system

Includes multiple entities such as private insurance companies, employers, and government programmes (like HIP and FutureCare).


National Digital Health Strategy

A 2023 strategy that aims to modernise healthcare delivery in Bermuda, specifically as it relates to digital health.

non-communicable disease (NCD)

A non-infectious, often long-term health condition caused by factors like lifestyle, genetics, and environment.


Office of the Chief Medical Officer (CMO)

The leading authority responsible for healthcare policies and practices, safeguarding public health, and improving health services on the Island.


PEARL (Patient Electronic & Administrative Records Log)

Electronic medical record system, spanning electronic patient records administered by the Bermuda Hospitals Board.

Peritoneal Dialysis

A type of dialysis where a special fluid (dialysate) is introduced into the abdominal cavity to filter waste products and excess fluid across the peritoneal membrane.

prevention/preventative healthcare

Actions taken to keep people healthy, reduce the chances of getting diseases, improve overall well-being, and avoid sickness and injury. This also includes measures taken to lessen the impact of diseases, reduce early deaths, and improve quality of life.



An organisation or entity that is part of a government but operates with a level of independence that public agencies do not have. In the case of UHC, it may be an entity that is funded by the Government but has its own management structure and policies.


referral process

The systematic process of transferring a patient from one healthcare provider to another, typically based on the need for specialised services or expertise.


Service Map

A visual representation that illustrates various components and interactions of a medical service, highlighting processes, stakeholders, and touchpoints involved. It helps to identify areas of improvement and optimise service delivery.

single-payor system

A health system where a single government or quasi-government agency is responsible for the financing of healthcare for all residents. In Bermuda, this would relate to a set of core health benefits and residents would have the option to purchase additional supplemental health insurance coverage from private insurers if they wanted and could afford to.

synthetic data

Artificially created data (as opposed to data generated by real-world events). May be generated through computer simulation or algorithms when real-world data are not readily available.


Universal Health Coverage ("UHC")

Bermuda’s vision for UHC is for all people to have equitable access to needed, informative, preventative, curative, rehabilitative, and palliative essential health services of sufficient quality to be effective, while also ensuring that people do not suffer financial hardship when paying for these services and critical medicines.


© 2022 by Bermuda Health Strategy.

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